Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017


Привет! Здравствуйте! What a fun time it has been being in Russian in the past few months! I never knew that there were so many opportunities here in SPREES with different events happening all over the campus. Whether it may be georgian cooking (which I hope to go sometime soon, or even being in the music school (while learning some русский pieces with the help of Dr. Zavlunov) ; I am always surrounded by Russian, making it a part of my life that is not specially in the music school.

Also with the Russian Festival underway, it makes it so much more нитересный!
Funny Russian Hats

The Russian winter headgear is somewhat infamous... Known as "shapka," it is essential to the Russian winter attire. There are two famous hats specifically, the "Ushanka" and the "Kubanka." There are many ways to make both of them, with differing fabrics and colors.
The Ushanka is a large, warm hat with two big ear flaps, and has a rich history. The first hat to look anywhere similar to it was created in the 17th century, and was known as a "treukh," or three ears. The ear flaps were actually pulled up, and it looked hilarious: 10/10 funny hat. The more modern version, unfortunately, losing some of it's original pazazz. Now, the ear flaps actually fall over the ears to provide some legitimate use.
The Kubanka, however, is even more disappointing, but is nonetheless a popular winter hat. It is named after the Russian providence of Kuban, and is significantly newer than the Ushanka. It's round with a flat top, and is generally made of some kind of thick fur, like that of a black fox.  This dismal hat is actually quite fashionable, and has been repeatedly featured in the collections of high end designers, such as Chanel's winter collections. Not a very funny hat, but it would definitely look great on you if you had a small head. 2/10 on humor rating, but I think I'd wear it if I was trying to look cool in the winter anywhere but Florida.

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Food is Food and Food is great

С Приездом! No we are not in an airport, but we are in a place of international travel? Who is traveling you may ask? Why no other than your very own taste buds! Where are we traveling from? Straight from Sprees in Деланд, Флорида to Tbilis Georgia!! From Adzhika to Tq'mali! Georgian Food is quite хорошо! In order to gain a great perspective on Georgian culture, make sure to sign up for Dr. Denners weekly Georgian Cooking club Thursdays in Allen ! You wont forget it! 

And remember, Georgian food is healthy, so even if you're above 40 you still might be soft in the rump! 

До свидания!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Russian Music Festival this weekend!

Зравствуйте! If you enjoyed listening to the Balalaika on the video, then you should come to the Russian Music Festival's concert this Friday, October 27th, at 7:30pm in Lee Chapel! Prokofiev, Shostakovitch, Borodin, and more. Go to as much of the Russian Music Festival as you possibly can. Go hear Russian songs sung by fellow Elementary Russian students on Saturday's concert!
До свсиданя!

Also, I find it оченъ интересный that the Russian language has evolved very little over time as compared to other languages, such as English. 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Russian Imperial Tea Party

Hey everyone! Please come join us for Russian Imperial Tea on Wednesday at 7.30 pm at the SPREES house. Cultural credit will also available for everyone who wants it (I forgot to put it on the poster, whoops!)

ALSO, Russian club now has an Instagram. Feel free to follow us @stetsonurussianclub and look there for photos from meeting and announcements for future events.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Чудовищная русская пропись!

Русские прописные буквы.... Вот это да!
"Dearest Misha has deprived the lady-millionaire of lilies!"
Милейший Миша лишил лилии миллионершу... 

If you're having trouble with a particular letter, check out these YouTube videos... They're pretty good!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

An overview of the Russian alphabet

If you're having problems learning the alphabet, or if you're just bored... please watch An Introduction to the Russian Alphabet (total of around 30 minutes). Да, знаю! Yeah, I know... It's really rough and I'm really longwinded, but watch it anyway.

In class, I provide you with a list of "sight words." (Here's a copy.) These are simple Russian words, often cognates with English or another language. The premise: You start with the first word, which is made up of shared letters between Russian and English. Then, word by word, the list introduces and reinforces new letters. By the time you complete the list, you've learned all 3444 letters in the Russian alphabet! You can listen to me reading the list of words here

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

НОВЫЕ СЛОВА. "ГОЛОСА" КНИГА 2. Урок 8  (Связь и коммуникации). https://quizlet.com/_3acue1

RUSS 102: НОВЫЕ СЛОВА "ГОЛОСА" КНИГА 1. УРОК 8 (В МАГАЗИНЕ). https://quizlet.com/_3adgm6

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

LAB 3 RUS 202                                                                               

Вы записались? Have you signed up? ORAL EXAM! НЕ ЖДИТЕ!  Don’t wait to sign up!

1) TAKE YOUR GRAMMAR QUIZ (15 min including check up)

2) ВИДЕО (35 min)

1. Посмотрите этот

2. Сделайте упражнения в рабочей тетради 07-24 – 07-29 (SAM p. 159-161)
Make sure to have your work checked. Let me know if you don’t understand any particular word or a certain episode.

LAB 3 RUS 102                                                                               

Вы записались? Have you signed up? ORAL EXAM! НЕ ЖДИТЕ!  Don’t wait to sign up!

1) TAKE YOUR GRAMMAR QUIZ (15 min including check up)

2) ВИДЕО (35 min)

Посмотрите этот видеоклип

2. Сделайте упражнения 07-25 – 07-34 (SAM p. 168-172)

Here are video-exercise matches:

7-27 Лилиана                                                         00:00-00:23)
7-28 Студенты (Аня, Надя, Катя, Кристина)  00:23-1:40
7-29,7-30 Инна                                                      1:40-3:30
7-31 Всеволод Осипов                                         3:30-5:26
7-32 Дина Александровна                                 5:26-6:20
7-33 Ирина Николаевна                                    6:20-7:19
7-34 Зоя Османовна                                             7:19-9:10

Make sure to have your work checked. Let me know if you don’t understand any particular word or a certain episode.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

  ПОСЛУШАЙТЕ ПЕСЕНКУ ЧЕРЕПАХИ (=listen to the song of the turtle, it’s a very popular and sweet cartoon song that will help you remember the verbs of position)

See the link below. Start at 1:00 min, go till 2:33 Fill in the blanks in the transcript in your handout:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKEblbzoasI «Как львёнок и черепаха пели песню»

 Прослушайте песенку еще раз здесь 
(=listen to the song once again here): It's an excellent website for learning Russian.    Drag and drop a word to the red area to see all the forms, the translation etc. ХОРОШО?

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Revised SPREES Russian Tutoring Schedule Spring 2017

Репетиторы по русскому языку
Monika Chojnacka
Wednesdays in the LAB 12-2:00pm
Tuesdays in SPREES 10:30-11:30 am
Thursdays in SPREES Center 2:15-3:15 pm
Brittany Kovalskaya
Tuesdays in SPREES 1:00-2:00 pm
Wednesdays in the LAB  11am-2:30 pm
Thursdays in SPREES Center 1:00-3:00 pm
Ryan White
Wednesdays in the LAB 12:00-1:15 pm
Tuesdays in SPREES 1-1:45pm and Thursdays in SPREES 2-3 pm
Ana Gryshnya
Wednesdays in LAB 11:00 am-12:00 pm
Tuesdays in SPREES 10-11 am and Thursdays in SPREES  2:30-3:30 pm

Lindsay McGrath
Tuesdays 11:30 am - 2 pm and Fridays 12-2:30 pm in SPREES

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Russian Club Winter Extravaganza


Join SPREES Russian Club in celebration of the new year. Learn about
the interesting Russian holiday culture while enjoying authentic
imported Russian food and tea.

Thursday (January 26th) at 7:30 p.m. in the SPREES Center
Please note a change in the SPREES Tutoring schedule:
Lindsay will tutor on Tuesdays 11:30-2 pm and her regular Fridays 12-2:30 pm in SPREES Center.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Репетиторы по русскому языку
Monika Chojnacka
Wednesdays in the LAB 12-2:30pm
Tuesdays in SPREES 10:30-11:30 am
Thursdays in SPREES Center 2:15-4:00 pm
Brittany Kovalskaya
Tuesdays in SPREES 1:00-2:00 pm
Wednesdays in the LAB  11am-2:30 pm
Thursdays in SPREES Center 1:00-3:00 pm
Ryan White
Wednesdays in the LAB 12:00-1:15 pm
Tuesdays in SPREES 1-2 pm and Thursdays in SPREES 2-3 pm
Ana Gryshnya
Wednesdays in LAB 11:00 am-11:50 pm
Tuesdays in SPREES 3-4 pm and Thursdays in SPREES  3-4 pm

Lindsay McGrath
Mondays 12-2:30 pm and Fridays 12-2:30 pm in SPREES