Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Most Amazing Russian Graffiti You Will Ever See

Russians, like Americans, have those street artists who paint intricate, colorful, awe-inspiring murals on the sides of buildings.

Here's a 10+ story mural of a motley assortment of creatures and characters living in the branches of a tree.

Here's an impressive depiction of underwater robots and machines.

But as nice as these paintings are, they pale in comparison to the next two images, which are displayed across from each other.

One side portrays various American characters, such as Bart Simpson, Robocop, and the Terminator (Who is saying, "Bend Down" - which either is supposed to mean "Bow Down" or the Russians have horribly misconstrued the sexual nature of The Terminator movie). The characters are menacing and the words above the mural say "Duel of the Century."

This is nice and all...but it's their opponent that is the main attraction, and it's someone who we're all familiar with...

That's right. Alexander Pushkin, the poet, is single-handedly taking on the most dangerous of American cinema characters armed with nothing more than a revolver. Why haven't we covered this aspect of Pushkin's legacy yet?

Images from

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