Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Woolly Mammoth Discovered by Russian Boy

A young Russian boy from a nomadic family in Northern Russia stumbled upon what turned out to be what scientists are calling, “the mammoth of the century.” Russian scientists are claiming this mammoth found by an 11 year old boy to be the best preserved woolly mammoth found in over 100 years. Scientists, along with the help of employees of Sopkarga polar station spent nearly five days digging up the mammoth. It was an adult specimen with the full skeleton intact, as well as some of the internal organs, including the heart.  The mammoth was brought to the city of Dudinka, where it will later be transported to Moscow and St. Petersburg to further be studied. There has been talk of possibly cloning the animal and nicknaming it after the Russian boy who made the discovery, Zhenya.

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