Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Language Lab work for unit 2, week 3... Сегодня в лингaфонном кабинете...

First, take your quiz! And, if you need to retake last week's quiz, you should do it today or (at the LATEST) tomorrow.

Давайте послушаем! Let's listen... On the back of your quiz, do the following числительные exercises (numeral exercises). Start off by listening to the the 20s, 30s, and 40s  while reading along in Ex. A. Pay attention to the pronunciation, especially the voicing (vodka rule) and the soft consonants. Then do упражнение Б и упражнение Г. Ask me if you need help!

Look through this Prezi on the difference between это and этот. Working together or with me/the tutor, do the language lab worksheet.

Make sure someone checks your homework!

Your portfolio is due next Tuesday by 5pm in the Russian Studies Center. Here is the assignment sheet.

If you're interested in museums, history, or anything Eastern Europe, you should attend this event!

RUSSIAN STUDIES COLLOQUIUM: Urban History in Eastern Europe. Friday Oct. 18 @ 2 p.m. in Russian Studies Center. ​Cultural credit available!

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