Friday, November 22, 2013

A More Sporting Lifestyle

In Russia a new way to pay for subway tickets has been released. This is by doing squats. As payment for a one way trip on a subway you can do thirty squats in less than two minutes. This is opposed to about ninety cents you would pay for a normal ticket. Failing results in you having to pay for a ticket. There aren’t any participation points.

            This machine was installed for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics at the Vystavochnaya subway station. Alexander Zhukov said “We wanted to show that the Olympic Games is not just an international competition that people watch on TV, but that it is also about getting everyone involved in a sporting lifestyle.” Along with these squats new ways are being developed to add a sporting element to Russian lifestyle in preparation for the winter games. They are currently working on exercise bikes to be able to charge a phone and other various electronic devices.


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