Sunday, March 24, 2024


С добрым утром, ребята!

Вытянет ручки. У-ух, потягушки! 
Коску откинет, привстанет она
И из кроватки, как мышка к окошку: 
Солнышко, солшнышко. Скоро весна?

Скоро весна? Is it going to be spring soon? 

Во-первых... First, spend a little time with Quizlet.  Learn the names of members of the family, professons, and some useful phrases from the unit's dialogues 

Spend 10 minutes quizzing yourself on the Семья и профессии

А теперь......... and now... 

Grab the lab worksheet at the table or print out/download the handout HERE.

1.) Прослушайте разговоры и ответьте на вопросы. = Listen to the conversations below and answer the questions. Yeah, they're hard, but read the titles, listen for keywords, read the questions in advance (!!!), and you should have no trouble answering these factual questions. Ask the репетиторы (tutors) if you have problems. Train your ear! How else can you get better?

Jot down the answers on the first page of the Lab хэндаут. 

LISTEN three times
(no more, no less!)

Разговоры: 1 2 3

2. When you've finished... do the written assignment on the back of your lab handout. Use the provided adjectives to describe your family. 
3. Then, you'll read the dialogue from the handout "кто это на фотографии". Make sure you translate it and practice reading over and over.  Easy. 


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