Monday, February 3, 2014

Ukraine Today

CULP stands for the Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency program. This is where for many ROTC cadets the world becomes there classroom. Cadets are now given the opportunity to compete for the chance to become immerged in another countries different culture and intensify their language study by immersing themselves in the location, which helps the ROTC program by producing commissioned officers who possess the abilities to empathize with other cultures and develop skills to support global operations. On average cadets get to spend three weeks to a month in these foreign countries. I had a friend who over the summer went to the Ukraine for this program and had a great time getting to know how the military works there and the different views of America from the outside. It is funny to think how just over the summer a friend was there teamed up with the Ukrainian military to get a better cultural understanding and today there is a revolution happening. By the pictures and stories he told you would never be able to tell the troubles of the country. How did the jump occur and when did the countries fervor spike for revolution? There are pictures of my fellow cadets trip below…..


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