Sunday, April 9, 2023

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете... Unit 9, Week 3, Урок 9 Неделя 3. Вид глагола.


Доброе утро! Сегодня cреда. 

Значит, мы в лингафонном кабинете!

LET ME KNOW if you have had trouble enrolling in Second-Year Russian next semester. There's something wrong with the registration process (sigh). Let me know, also, if you have any questions, concerns, conflicts, конфликты, проблемы, заботы...

1. Here is the handout for today. 

2. Review for the grammar quiz here

3. Аудирование... 09-02 in your handout. Listen to the amounts in rubles HERE is the audio and fill in the blanks in the text.

If you need help, ask me or one of the tutors! 
NOW! Table work! Take a few minutes and re-review the Power Point on verbal aspect. Download it here and watch it before you come to the tables. Будем работать над аспектом глагола... underline all the verbs that are given in their PERFECTIVE form (vs. imperfective) in both dialogues in your worksheets (dialogue 2 and dialogue 3). 

Remember: Imperfective aspect expresses all three tenses. The imperfective past is formed with the Л-rule. The present tense is formed by "just conjugate the darn thing" rule. And the imperfective future is formed by combining a form of быть (буду, будешь...) and the infinitive of the verb (будете заказывать):

Он смотрел. Он смотрит. Он будет смотреть.

Perfective can only express the past and the future. Formation is simple: To form the perfective past, use the Л-rule. And to form the perfective future, "just conjugate the darn thing." 

Он посмотрел фильм. Он посмотрит фильм. 

Now, answer the following 7 questions and record your answer on flipgrid: go to  and enter join code 9974cb3f log in, and record your answers. I will give you personal feedback on by Friday.


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