Monday, September 15, 2014

Blini; a Traditional Russian Dish

Now I know you must be wondering, what are blini? Blini were originally a traditional Russian dish eaten during Shrovetide to celebrate the beginning of spring and the god of animals, pets, and cattle-- Volos (Veles). A blin was golden and circular-shaped, symbolizing the sun and hopes for good harvest. Blini were also traditionally served to the mother at one's birth as well as at one's final funeral ceremony, accompanying one from the very first breath to the last. Commonly appearing as a flat pancake nearly equivalent to the French crepe, blini are a traditional part of the Russian diet. Blini can come with a multitude of different fillings--berries, sour cream, and cheese to name a few. So, if you ever come across a blini, don't pass up the opportunity to try one of these delicious traditional Russian pancakes!

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