Sunday, August 25, 2024

Second Year Russian: LAB 1 UNIT 1

Лингафонный кабинет. Сейчас август. Добро пожаловать в лингафонный кабинет!


Print this lab worksheet . Do all assignments there and have this worksheet checked by me or by tutors before you add it to your portfolio as usual.


First listen to the numbers in their inflected, genitive form.

Линк на слушание (Numbers in Genitive), А. и Б.

You'll hear выше (higher), ниже (lower), около (about), от (from) до (up to)... These words demand the genitive case of the nouns that follow them. Around five=Около пяти́. (That's the genitive form of the cardinal number five.)

Here are some more genitive forms of numbers...

Oколо ноля (around zero), одного (one), двух (two), трёх (three), четырёх, тридцати́, двадцати́, семи́, тридцати́ пяти́.... It's frustrating that they give you no explanations... But just remember, you're hearing the genitive form of numbers...

Around thirty=Около традцати́. Higher than 18=Выше восемьна́дцати. Lower than 2=ниже двух. (Двух is the genitive form of два, two...)

On your handout, jot down the numbers you hear in Б. Now do the telephone numbers.

Вот... Поняли? Don't get bogged down here with the inflected forms. Part of the point is that you can understand the meaning ("around 5") without understanding the underlying grammar.

Что такое безличное выражение? What's an impersonal expression? It's how you say "I'm cold!" Мне холодно! You never say "я холодная" in Russian. say мне холодно
  1. Impersonal sentences in Russian are sentences that don't have a grammatical subject.
  2. In English, impersonal sentences have a grammatical subject, but not a logical one:
              It is very cold in January. 
    The subject, it, in this sentence does not refer to anything or anyone in particular. 
  3. Russian often uses an adverb as the predicate in impersonal constructions:          Здесь холодно. It is cold here          Завтра будет тепло. It will be warm tomorrow.

Russian often uses impersonal construction when describing how a person feels. The person IF EXPRESSED in such constructions will be in the dative case:
  • Мне холодно здесьI feel cold. (Compare the sentence Здесь холодно.)
  • Сергею там было интересно. It was interesting for Sergei there.
  • Наташе здесь будет холодно. Natasha will feel cold here.

Dative Case памятка... 

You'll need to recall the dative forms of the personal pronouns..

Dative CaseМнеТебеЕмуЕйЕму
Dative CaseНамВамИм

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