Saturday, September 14, 2024

Second-Year Russian, Language Lab for Unit 1, week 4

Привет, ребята! Какая сегодня погода? Наверное, солнечно и жарко! Странно, что дождь не идёт... Лето во Флориде!

Сначала... Напишите, пожалуйста, тест! Take your QUIZ!

Then... Check out this fabulous PowerPoint!  (examine it carefully!)

Замечательно! = Awesome! Do you understand the difference between ли and если? Note particularly that most если clauses are in the future... Если будет тепло, то мы погуляем в лесу! If it rains, then we'll take a walk in the woods!

Now,  do ex. 18,19, and translation into English (see your assignment sheet here, print it out or just type in it).

А теперь... послушайте стихи Пушкина! Listen to a famous Russian actor Innokenty Smoktunovsky reading our poem "Зимнее утро": Make sure you add Russian and English subtitles. Read the whole poem for fun! You will need to recite the first three lines tomorrow during the oral exam (see your lab worksheet as well for the lyrics)

Listen a couple times, then read it to any of the tutors or professors. I want you to read the poem aloud so we can check your pronunciation (= произношение...). 
Моро́з и со́лнце; день чуде́сный!
Ещë ты дре́млешь, друг преле́стный
- Пора́, краса́вица, просни́сь!

Frost and sunshine – a beautiful day!
You are still half asleep, my lovely friend –
It’s time, my beauty, wake up!   

Finally, remember that your Oral Exam is  ЗАВТРА.  Practice your dialogue lines with your exam partner or with tutors and me. Don't forget to sign up for the exam!

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