Во-первых (=first,) review the conjugation of the verbs HERE. Work with this Quizlet list of verbs for 10 min in the "study" mode, then take the grammar quiz.
Now, grab the lab handout from the table or print out this lab handout and do tasks 1 and 2.
Теперь, наденьте наушники и прослушайте передачу Радионяни! =Put on your headphones and listen! Радионяня now means "baby monitor" in Russian. But it used to be a radio program for kids... Everyone "of a certain age" (my age!) knows these episodes. If you're over, say, thirty-five, you grew up with Радионяня at home. The song that starts every episode goes...
Мы рады вас приветствовать, товарищи ребята!Конечно, если дома вы, а не ушли куда-то.
We're happy to see greet you, comrade children!
If you're at home, of course, and haven't gone somewhere...
The rhyme of куда-то and ребята is an excellent rhyme!
Give the song a listen here and write all the words you recognize.
Now listen to a segment: Давайте послушаем program.
On the second page of your lab handouts, jot down the answers (in Russian... or English if you have to) to the four questions. Клёво! It's great. Смешно... Very funny! Смешно, а серьёзно! Funny, but serious... as it always was and ever shall be in Russia.
This will take you about half an hour... Трудно! Я знаю!
When you're done... Come to the tables and ask us questions! Get some additional help on aspect and verb conjugations.
Весёлые уроки! Cheerful lessons! Lessons in Happiness!
You can listen to more episodes of Радионяня here.
excellet information u shared,thanks for the info.
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