Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Elementary Russian: Additional Work for Tuesday Apr 7 REMOTE

Привет, ребята!
Here is our Tuesday class work, April 7.

1) Let's start with a dictation as usual:
2) Было не было. Work with this ppt. Download it to your laptop so you can self-check your answers. The final slide has a translation exercise: You're asked to translate a series of possession sentences. Those sentences are partially translated below: You need to fill in the missing "have" words... For positive sentences ("He had a dog") you'll use the correct form of был (был, была, было, были), the form corresponds to the "thing" in the nominative. For negative sentences ("He didn't have a dog") you'll always use не было, and the "thing" you're netting goes into the genitive (of course!). 

Complete the translations on the last slide sentences below:

3) Went - ходил vs. пошёл. Download this handout and do all three assignments there. You can type in the document or you can print it out and write on it. Add it to your Portfolio 8.


Adding: In class, students had a lot of problems with expressing existence/non-existence in the past, so I did a FlipGrid and a Power Putin Performance... find it all here. You'll need to do it for your portfolio, so go ahead and do it now!  

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