Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Unit 7 Oral Exam... find a partner and... March 2020

Well, you're the "i-generation" and "net denizens," so I'll assume you know how to do all this. (If you don't, no biggie, drop me a line and I'll explain...) 

In the end, you'll send your instructor A LINK (DO NOT SEND THE VIDEO FFS!!!) to a video where you and a partner ask one another questions and then declaim (!) a short dialogue. You can house this video anywhere, but, please, don't send the video... You can use Zooooooom or YouTube or whatever to record it... format doesn't matter because it's online, but if you have a choice, mp4 is pretty standard. 

Everyone must have a partner (even you). Do this in one take or ten, I don't care, just send the best version to me (as a link? did I need to say that? Please don't send the video?) by midnight on Friday March 27, in an email entitled something like "Elizabeth and Melisa's oral exam for unit 7." Your portfolio is due then, too: Go ahead and send two separate emails (it's free!), one with your portfolio ingredients and the other your oral exam... It makes things easier on your instructor's end. 

Устное выступление (Oral part!)
With your partner, translate the following questions and come up with TRUTHFUL responses. You should each have responses to all the questions. One person reads five questions while the other partner answers the questions. Then, switch places and do the final four. MEMORIZE THEM and LOOK AT THE CAMERA as you ask and answer.
You and your partner must MEMORIZE this dialogue and recite it. Look at the camera. Don’t look like you’re reading it as it’s written on your wall.

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