Monday, October 21, 2024

Elementary Russian: Урок 3 Неделя 1 Unit 3 Week 1 Какие языки вы знаете?

Привет! Хэллоуин скоро! Halloween is coming up. Make sure you attend the game!!! It's a unique event, it's an experiment, extra credit and cultural credit provided...Do not miss it! Mark your calendar...

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете...

Material for Unit 3 vocabulary quiz for next week is here (Memrise). It's all there! Please spend at least 10 minutes working with this list.  

А теперь... расписание лабораторной работы на сегодня! Что будем делать? And now...
  1. Grab этот хэндаут from the lab table or print it out. 
  2. За компьютером... Listen to two разговоры (=conversations) and answer questions that you find on the first page of the handout... Listen to each разговор three times! No more, no fewer! Jot down the answers on the хэндаут that you printed in #1. Разговор 2Разговор 3 (15 minutes)
  3. Прослушайте Диалог 4. (Listen to Dialog 4.) The dialogue is on the handout, too! Now, draw lines from the English phrases below the dialogue (#4, 5, 7, 8, 9) to the corresponding Russian in the dialogue. Where in the dialogue, for instance, do you learn how to praise someone's language ability? \(°Ω°)/ These phrases will be part of your vocabulary quiz. 
  4.  READ DIALOG 4 ALOUD with a tutor or a partner or by yourself! 
  5. OK, now: Read through the explanations of grammar part of the page 3 of хэндаут. We learned some я-forms of the verb already (я живу, я учусь) now it't time to learn the all the present tense forms (я, ты, он, мы, вы, они). Try to conjugate the verb изучать, then write out the answers to Oral Drills 1, 2, and 3. 

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