Saturday, January 25, 2025

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете ELEMENTARY RUSSIAN (Unit 5 Week 2/Урок 5 неделя 2)



Пора работать! It's time to work. 

First, take the vocab quiz!

Here is the хэндаут for today. If you come to the lab, then I'll have some copies for you. 

Давайте послушаем. Напишите ответы. Do this exercise on the lab хендаут. Listen to the recording at least twice! If you need to review numbers go HERE and spend 5 minutes on 1-100.
  • Listen to the recording and jot down Ско́лько сто́ит? How much does it cost? (Recall the word Сколько from the phrase Ско́лько се́йчас вре́мени?) You'll hear prices given in rubles and kopecks (рубли и копейки) but you'll hear them in their inflected forms рублей и копеек. 

Check the answers with tutors or professors
Принесите нам хендаут и мы его вам проверим (We'll check it).

Таке а second and review your QUESTION WORDS!

  • On your handout, jot down at least three questions using the question words. We'll start our class tomorrow with these questions.

Now, let's finish up with verbs of motion, examining the "there-and-back-again" verbs ездить and ходить. Take a second to examine their conjugational pattern. They are regular verbs like говорить, but they have a mutation in the я form, like the verb любить (люблю).

Consider for a moment the 3rd person forms of these two verbs, both of which have an "end-stem" stress pattern. The first-person я form is stressed on then ending, while all the other non-past forms are stressed on the stem. 

Typical for many second-conjugation (и-class) verbs, the third singular and third plural are essentially homophonous -- they sound the same because я reduces to /и/ when not under stress.  
он хОдит...они хОдят
they both sound like /хОдит/

он Ездит... они Ездят
  • Do the written tasks 6 and 7 on your handout for practice.

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