Monday, December 7, 2015

Ambiguity at the beginning of the Soviet Century

The Soviet Century, beginning in 1917 and ending in 1991, featured a near endless amount of cases involving ambiguity. Such a trend started soon after the October Revolution with the introduction of the term "Kulak" - a derogatory word referring to rich and well-off peasants. The Soviet Union became a nation where the proletariat, not the bourgeois was favored. This drastic change from the Russian Empire prompted a continued hate/dislike of those better off. With peasants now being the "favored" class, the lower class peasants quickly established a hatred of the richer members of their class (while classes were not supposed to exist in a communist society, they certainly did).
When soviet citizens realized they could call out their neighbor who maybe they didn't like so much for any old reason, and that neighbor would almost definitely be sent off to the Gulag for numerous years, this "Kulak" word emerged - promoting the the worse off in soviet society led to the need to bring down anyone better than yourself. The ambiguity occurs where one may ask, "what exactly defines a Kulak? At what point are you 'too' rich?"
Alas, there is no answer to this seemingly simple question - "Kulaks" were more often than not just peers who had argued with another at some point in their fairly similar existences. There was no line, no clear boundary one could make sure not to cross. This fraudulent time in soviet history contains many examples of denouncements upon perfectly innocent and loyal soviet citizens, elucidating the weakness and failure of this communist system - perfect in idea, a failure in application.

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