Saturday, March 9, 2024

Second-year Russian: Additional Work for March 12 REMOTE

Привет, ребята!
Красивые куличи и крашеные яйца, правда?

Here is our extra work for this week (do it optionally for extra credit)

1. Let's start with the review of numbers. Carefully examine this chart:

2. Download our handout for today. Listen to the information comparing average U.S. and Russian salaries HERE and type what you hear in the handout. 

3. Read the dialogue in our handout and translate it. Make sure you know how to ask in Russian to bring you the check and pay the check.

Сделали? Молодцы! ... Now, memorize the conjugations of these two crucial verbs⇩

4. Finally! Go to Flipgrid and do this task. You will need to know how to say "I drink", see the conjugation pattern above.

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