Monday, February 24, 2025

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете ELEMENTARY RUSSIAN УРОК 6 (Урок 6, неделя 3 Unit 6 Week 3 Elementary Russian)

Среда... значит (=means) лингафонный кабинет!



I'm a simple guy...... it's my exams that are complicated. 

На сегодня! 

Here is a link to Memrise for the Genitive Case Review. It's all there. Spend at least 10 minutes on it and then take the quiz!

А теперь... And now for something completely cool! 

Download our lab worksheet or grab it at the lab.

The topic of the phonetics exercise is voicing and devoicing of consonants. English does it too, but there aren't any rules... thing of "cats and dogs" (the s in the first word is pronounced /s/ but in the second it's /z/... why? I don't know!).

There are two main rules concerning voicing of consonants. 
1) "Word-final devoicing." Voiced consonants are always DEVOICED when word-final... the word гараж is pronounced /garash/ because the last letter in the word is devoiced, ж gets "hushed" and pronounced /ш/. 2) The second phonetic phenomenon is what we call, in class, "the Vodka Rule"... In clusters of consonants, the cluster-final consonant dictates the voiced or devoiced status of all preceding consonants. The word водка sounds like /votka/ because the cluster final consonant K is unvoiced, so it "triggers" the preceding consonants, making them voiceless, too: д-->/t/.


This phenomenon is most notable in borrowings from English into Russian like баскетбол /baskedbol/ and the Russian numerals like пятьдесят /piddisiat/. You'll find a convenient table of voiced and unvoiced consonants on your handout. 

Look through the tables, and try to figure some of the consonants in Exercise A that will get devoiced or voiced because of the "Vodka Rule" or because they are word-final voiced consonants. Now, listen to Exercise A. Were you right?

4. Go to the tables and learn a bit about verbs of position. Notice that they are ALL 2nd-conjugation verbs that are ending stressed.  So their они forms end in а/я: СтоЯт, лежАт, висЯт. Notice, too, the 123545 vowel spelling rule, that you cannot write я after a husher (makes you go HUSH!), so you get лежат (not лежят). Good spelling is for suckers. 

5. Listen a few times to the dialogue. read the dialogue and translate it. иконы - icons, верующие - believers

6. The last page of the handout is Dr Denner's шпаргалка for the genitive case... Now you know all that about the genitive, well, wow. Time for a PhD in linguistics! 

1 comment:

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