Monday, February 10, 2025

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете ELEMENTARY RUSSIAN (Урок 6, неделя 1 Unit 6 Week 1 Elementary Russian)

Доброе утро! Сегодня среда.


First, here is the Memrise quiz that will prepare you for the quiz NEXT WEEK (=на следующей неделе!). Spend 10 minutes reviewing these new phrases that we'll go over as we proceed through the dialogs.

Print out your handout HERE or grab it from the lab table.

Next, listen to the three разговоры (1 3) (кликните по ссылке! Click on the links!). Don't listen more than three times! Я вам помогу! I can help you... just ask! Попросите!

On the back of one of your handout, jot down the answers, in English, to the following questions:

Before completing handout assignments, take a second and listen to me read the conjugational pattern of a new verb, хотеть, to want. Notice that it's irregular: the singular present tense has -e- as its vowel (like работать); the plural persons (мы, вы, они) have -и- and -ят (like говорить). It's not irregular, хотеть is a hybrid, half first, half second!

Listen to the recording at least twice, and read along:


Now, come join us at the tables... Пожалуйста, к столам! Поработаем вместе! Do all the assignments in your handout. Read dialogue 5 and answer the questions.

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