Monday, February 3, 2025

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете ELEMENTARY RUSSIAN (Урок 5, неделя 3 Unit 5 Week 3 Elementary Russian)

Ну, погоди means "Just you wait!"


Возьмите хендаут! На if you want a virtual one! (In Russian, you can say На! and it'll be understood as "Here, take this!" It's not super formal, but it's not rude...) 

Let's start with the grammar quiz! Grab it in the lab and have it checked by us before you leave the class (аудиторию)

А ТЕПЕРЬ (=and now...)

Next 10 minutes. «Ну погоди!»

Не хотите посмотреть мультфильм? Do you want to watch a cartoon? Русские (скорее советские граждане) очень любят серию «Ну погоди!». Watch an episode of the much-loved animated series «Ну погоди!» ("Just You Wait!"). Every Russian-speaker I know can recite these series from memory... Watch one episode! It's just ten minutes!

Закончили?? МОЛОДЕЦ! Ну погоди makes Tom and Jerry look like Teletubbies, right? Wipe the blood off your computer screen. 

There was a time before trigger warnings... было да сплыло... 

Last 30 minutes.
А теперь... Поработаем! Handout

On your handout, you'll find some exercises for за столом и за компьютером, for table work with tutors and for work at the computer. Do whichever you wish first! Как хотите! But do them both and include the completed handout in your Unit 5 portfolio.

1) The work at the tables is on the tricky Russian translation of "CLASS"... I'm going to class! I'm taking a class! Class! Класс! (That word, класс, means (among other things)... "That's cool!")
2) Listen to 5-41 (the first exercise below) and 5-42 (the second). Just jot down the answers on the handout. You'll find the exercise additionally printed there, on your handout.