Сегодня среда, тридцатое апреля. Значит, мы в лингафонном кабинете! Привет!
Конец учебного года близок! The end is near! First, TAKE THE QUIZ!
Конец учебного года близок! The end is near! First, TAKE THE QUIZ!
Вы закончили? Хорошо. Начнем урок... Today, I want you to watch the video for this unit, but just the first four minutes! In it, you'll hear как Марк Марковович и Дина Александровна рассказывают о своей жизни в России... Mark Markovich and his wife Dina Aleksandrovna talk about what it was like growing up Jewish in Russia. Very appropriate, as you'll hear how to talk about life experiences and biographies, which is what your final oral examination covers!
There's a handout with questions on it. Read through the questions, ask the tutors or me if you don't understand something, and answer as best you can. Make sure to include this worksheet in your portfolio! Then, за столы! To the tables! There's a brief exercise using через и назад that won't take more than five minutes. The tutors are here today to help you with your final oral presentation.
And, don't forget tomorrow! I'm sure you've always wondered what authentic Uzkber Wedding Plov tastes like! Here's the recipe I use... Very interesting!