Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Unit 8... Говорит ДеЛанд... Глава 8


INTERJECTIONS! Watch this... 

Russian has interjections, too... Междометия! That's a very very technical word... I think the more normal word is восклицания... Exclamations! Russians shout ОЙ! ОХ! АХ! УХ! Смешно!

1. Listen online to these three dialogues, and REPEAT after the диктор... (The text is below.) Notice that each dialogue has abundant examples of INTERJECTIONS! 

Do this dictation!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Your PORTFOLIO: v. Coronatime... Here's everything that needs to be included in your portfolio


Submit the portfolio by FRIDAY, March 27 at MIDNIGHT. (That is, submit the written work and the FlipGrid work by Friday at midnight... this will all make sense, keep reading...)

Dr Z will send everyone a reminder of how to get in touch with your tutors.

The portfolio (and the next couple!) will consist of some online work through FlipGrid and some written work.

The online work--your instructor will find it on FlipGrid, no problem. Just record your response, and we'll find it. If you want to submit further work for assessment/feedback (like screenshots of online work), you can just add it to the written work assignment you send via email.

  • Here is your WRITTEN work. You may download the document, save it (use your last name for ease!), fill in the document however your please, как угодно... You can edit it using Word (or whatevs), inserting your responses to the prompts in Russian using your computer, then send it back. Or you can print out the sheets, write your answers in the space provided with a pencil old-school, use your phone camera to take pictures of the completed assignment, and then send it to your instructor. You must submit the written work as an attachment to an email sent to your instructor, using a clear subject line like "This is Gina's written work for Portfolio 7." Just make it logical, k? We can't grade it if we can't find it!
  • Here's a link to the marvelous movie Resilience: How to Live 100 Years, which you must watch and respond to (in your #1 above, written work... you'll find the prompts there). You'll have to log into your university account -- I watched it off campus, no problem, so can you! The movie's only 30 minutes long...
 it made me (╥﹏╥). 
  • Do the following exercises on FlipGrid:

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How to form the Genitive Plural... a quick self-quiz

If you click the little i doohickey, it'll give you an explanation/hint. If you get it wrong, just retry it in the field (it will overwrite the wrong answer)...

Unit 7 Oral Exam... find a partner and... March 2020

Well, you're the "i-generation" and "net denizens," so I'll assume you know how to do all this. (If you don't, no biggie, drop me a line and I'll explain...) 

In the end, you'll send your instructor A LINK (DO NOT SEND THE VIDEO FFS!!!) to a video where you and a partner ask one another questions and then declaim (!) a short dialogue. You can house this video anywhere, but, please, don't send the video... You can use Zooooooom or YouTube or whatever to record it... format doesn't matter because it's online, but if you have a choice, mp4 is pretty standard. 

Everyone must have a partner (even you). Do this in one take or ten, I don't care, just send the best version to me (as a link? did I need to say that? Please don't send the video?) by midnight on Friday March 27, in an email entitled something like "Elizabeth and Melisa's oral exam for unit 7." Your portfolio is due then, too: Go ahead and send two separate emails (it's free!), one with your portfolio ingredients and the other your oral exam... It makes things easier on your instructor's end. 

Устное выступление (Oral part!)
With your partner, translate the following questions and come up with TRUTHFUL responses. You should each have responses to all the questions. One person reads five questions while the other partner answers the questions. Then, switch places and do the final four. MEMORIZE THEM and LOOK AT THE CAMERA as you ask and answer.
You and your partner must MEMORIZE this dialogue and recite it. Look at the camera. Don’t look like you’re reading it as it’s written on your wall.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Elementary Russian: Unit 7 REVIEW TEXT

Привет, ребята! 
Here is the text to review this unit

You should be able to understand at least 95% of this text. Pay attention to the use of the Prepositional, Dative, and Genitive cases. Read it out loud, note stress marks! 

Меня́ зову́т Аня. Я студе́нтка. Мне 19 лет. Я учу́сь на тре́тьем ку́рсе на истори́ческом факульте́те. Я родила́сь и вы́росла в Москве́. Я хочу́ рабо́тать в музе́е. 
У меня́ больша́я семья́. У меня́ есть ма́ма, оте́ц, сестра́ и две ба́бушки. Моя́ ма́ма врач по профе́ссии, она́ рабо́тает в поликли́нике.  Ей 41 год. Мой оте́ц — учи́тель. Он рабо́тает в шко́ле.  Ему́ 46 лет. Ра́ньше мы жи́ли в Санкт-Петербу́рге, а тепе́рь живём в Москве́. Моя́ ста́ршая сестра́ родила́сь в Санкт-Петербу́рге, но вы́росла в Москве́. Ей 24 го́да. Она́ — домохозя́йка, у неё ма́ленькие де́ти. Я — их тётя, а они́ — мои́ племя́нники. Муж мое́й сестры́  — стомато́лог. Он рабо́тает в поликли́нике. Он вы́рос и учился в Воро́неже, но сейча́с живёт и рабо́тает в Москве́. Ему 27 лет. Мои́ ба́бушки живу́т у нас.  Им 72 го́да. Они́ не рабо́тают. Ка́ждый ве́чер они́ смо́трят телеви́зор. Они́ лю́бят спорт и хо́дят в бассе́йн ка́ждую суббо́ту.

Now, answer the questions in Russian HERE.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Elementary Russian, Unit 7, Week 2 Day 3 THURSDAY (Глава 7) ONLINE CLASS... удаленный урок...

Привет! Я надеюсь... мы будем оставаться на связи. Let's stay in touch! 

Unchartered territories! PLEASE let us know if stuff doesn't work. It's new to us, too! 

Work for Thursday, March 9, 2020. 

Do you know how to type in Russian? No? OK, it's easy. Windows here and Apple hereMake sure to use a "phonetic" or "mnemonic" keyboard, sometimes referred to as a "student" or "яшерты" keyboard. (Choose Russian first, and then choose the right keyboard, deleting other keyboards to keep it simple.) The student keyboard is the one where if you hit the letter "bee" it types б. 

If you have problems with the Russian keyboard, let us know... we're experts!

As usual, let's start with a dictation. Click the "show solution" button at the end of the exercise: It shows you what you got right and wrong. Здорово! Cool!  

Поняли? Did you get them all right? Молодец!

1. Expressing age. First, starting off...  Remember that the age expression in Russian is "to me/him/her is 5 years." The exercise rehearses pronouns in the dative: мне, тебе, ему, ей, нам, вам, им. Remember! The dative vowel is е and the dative consonant is м. ЕМУ! Now do this:

2. Counting. Recall the... contorted... system of "counting stuff" in Russian:

The "rule of counting" in Russian: 1+ nominative; 2, 3, 4 + genitive singular; 5+ and the genitive plural. (And remember that we're talking about COMPOUND numerals like двадцать два when you actually say "two"... the teens, for instance, all are followed by the genitive plural: пятнадцать студентов.) Moreover, adverbial quantifiers (like "a lot много," "a few несколько," "how many сколько") expect the genitive (usually the plural): 

  • How many disco fountains does Stetson have? Сколько фонтанов в стиле Диско есть на кампусе Стетсона? 
  • How many statues of dead white men does Stetson have? Сколько памятников мертвым белым мужчинам есть на кампусе?  

Drag the correct words from the list on the right. Pay attention to the pronoun and the choose the correct form of год depending on the number. 
3. THE GENITIVE PLURAL: Do you get how to form the genitive plural? If not, you'll need to review this Prezi

We're going to use FlipGrid a LOT for the next few weeks... The first time you use it, it may be confusing, but... You're smart. Try it again. If you can't understand it, reach out to me or Dr Z. 

It's a simple program, platform independent, stupid-proof... You can use in on any computer or phone with a microphone and a camera. It's made for use on your phone, but it's equally functional on a laptop or desktop. If you're using your phone, it's probably a good idea to download the FlipGrid app (though you can just use it as "in browser" if you want!). You know how to do it: Just open up your app app (yep!) and search for FlipGrid. Click it. 

ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ ɪɴᴛᴇʀɴᴇᴛ 

Remember when you couldn't read русский язык? Think of how much you've learned and overcome!

Do an exercise that advances your understanding of the formation of the genitive plural.

You can scan the QR code below (God forgive me! Ради бога!) 

Or you can just click this link. (By the way, my favorite Tumblr of all time.)

On FlipGrid, Leave a recording of yourself doing the assignment: Сколько у вас институтов? How many institutes do you have? (°o•)

4. Finally, do this simple exercise that explains the formation of "tricky" genitive plural forms... When you're done, they won't seem tricky! 

Endure! (҂◡_◡) ᕤ