Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете! Unit 2 Week 4 Elementary Russian

Elementary Russian... LAB, Week 4, Unit 2. Understanding Numbers. 

Добрый день! Мы рады вас видеть! Good day! Nice to see you. 

Because of scheduling and Fall Break, we have a BONUS language lab today! 

1) Take your QUIZ on NUMBERS!!!! If you need to prepare, check out the Memrise quiz!

2) Do the listening comprehension on the lab handout... It's listening to numbers. 
Б.  Teens and -ties.  Write down the numbers as you hear them.
Г. Номера телефона. Write down the telephone numbers next to the people's names. Notice the fill имя фамилия first name and family name... Russians actually NEVER do refer to people in an official capacity like this... Usually its ФИО (фамилия, имя, отчество)... Oh, well, another error in the book! Notice the person's nickname (прозвище). Надя! Эдик!

3) You'll find a handout with all the dialogues with the tutors. Now, at the tables, in preparation for your ORAL PERFORMANCE TOMORROW, read aloud, with your partner or with any tutor, a couple of the dialogues.

Today is a GREAT chance to have a tutor go over your домашка homework and проверить её check it. 

MAKE SURE that you've included EVERY item... Grammar explanations, translations, etc. There is a LOT of homework, all of which needs to be COMPLETE, CHECKED, and CORRECTED by the time you turn in your portfolio. 

Sign up for the ORAL PERFORMANCE!!!!  You've signed up, right (Stetson) (ERAU)?