Sunday, March 31, 2024


Привет всем! Поздравляю с католической Пасхой! Православная Пасха в этом году 5 мая...

Наш план на сегодня:
  • 0-10 минут: First, let's practice for the vocab quiz. Quizlet review practice тест ЗДЕСЬ

  • 10-20 минут: Take the vocab quiz in the lab!

  • 20-25 минут (5 минут) Review свой for the grammar test next week:

  • 25-50 минут: "Задумчивый вундеркинд" textbook pp. 290-291 or in the lab handout.
    1. прочитайте текст "Задумчивый вундеркинд" в учебнике на странице 290 (=read the text OUT LOUD! PRACTICE READING! p. 290 or the lab handout)
    2. посмотрите "Новые слова в контексте" и "словарь" на странице 291 (=look up the new words on p. 291)
    3. ответьте на вопросы 7-38 стр. 290 письменно (=in writing/typing) answer all 10 questions in full
    4. show your answers to the tutors, correct if necessary, and keep the doc for your portfolio. You can type in this handout or you can just jot down/type your answers on the physical copy of the handout in the lab.
На сегодня всё! Молодцы!

Sunday, March 24, 2024


С добрым утром, ребята!

Вытянет ручки. У-ух, потягушки! 
Коску откинет, привстанет она
И из кроватки, как мышка к окошку: 
Солнышко, солшнышко. Скоро весна?

Скоро весна? Is it going to be spring soon? 

Во-первых... First, spend a little time with Quizlet.  Learn the names of members of the family, professons, and some useful phrases from the unit's dialogues 

Spend 10 minutes quizzing yourself on the Семья и профессии

А теперь......... and now... 

Grab the lab worksheet at the table or print out/download the handout HERE.

1.) Прослушайте разговоры и ответьте на вопросы. = Listen to the conversations below and answer the questions. Yeah, they're hard, but read the titles, listen for keywords, read the questions in advance (!!!), and you should have no trouble answering these factual questions. Ask the репетиторы (tutors) if you have problems. Train your ear! How else can you get better?

Jot down the answers on the first page of the Lab хэндаут. 

LISTEN three times
(no more, no less!)

Разговоры: 1 2 3

2. When you've finished... do the written assignment on the back of your lab handout. Use the provided adjectives to describe your family. 
3. Then, you'll read the dialogue from the handout "кто это на фотографии". Make sure you translate it and practice reading over and over.  Easy. 


Friday, March 22, 2024



We are back в лингафонном кабинете! 

 Prepare for the vocab quiz next week: 
Now...  grab from the lab or print out our handouts for today HERE

Давайте послушаем!         

1) Разговоры для слушания (15 мин)

Послушайте разговор 1 (=listen to conversation 1 at least два times) HERE
Read the questions in the textbook pp. 263-264 and jot down your answers in the lab handout.

2) Then do all the other grammar assignments on your handout (print out or download your handouts!)


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете ELEMENTARY RUSSIAN УРОК 6 (Урок 6, неделя 3 Unit 6 Week 3 Elementary Russian)

Среда... значит (=means) лингафонный кабинет!



I'm a simple guy...... it's my exams that are complicated. 

На сегодня! 

Here is a link to Memrise for the Genitive Case Review. It's all there. Spend at least 10 minutes on it and then take the quiz!

А теперь... And now for something completely cool! 

Download our lab worksheet or grab it at the lab.

The topic of the phonetics exercise is voicing and devoicing of consonants. English does it too, but there aren't any rules... thing of "cats and dogs" (the s in the first word is pronounced /s/ but in the second it's /z/... why? I don't know!).

There are two main rules concerning voicing of consonants. 
1) "Word-final devoicing." Voiced consonants are always DEVOICED when word-final... the word гараж is pronounced /garash/ because the last letter in the word is devoiced, ж gets "hushed" and pronounced /ш/. 2) The second phonetic phenomenon is what we call, in class, "the Vodka Rule"... In clusters of consonants, the cluster-final consonant dictates the voiced or devoiced status of all preceding consonants. The word водка sounds like /votka/ because the cluster final consonant K is unvoiced, so it "triggers" the preceding consonants, making them voiceless, too: д-->/t/.


This phenomenon is most notable in borrowings from English into Russian like баскетбол /baskedbol/ and the Russian numerals like пятьдесят /piddisiat/. You'll find a convenient table of voiced and unvoiced consonants on your handout. 

Look through the tables, and try to figure some of the consonants in Exercise A that will get devoiced or voiced because of the "Vodka Rule" or because they are word-final voiced consonants. Now, listen to Exercise A. Were you right?

4. Go to the tables and learn a bit about verbs of position. Notice that they are ALL 2nd-conjugation verbs that are ending stressed.  So their они forms end in а/я: СтоЯт, лежАт, висЯт. Notice, too, the 123545 vowel spelling rule, that you cannot write я after a husher (makes you go HUSH!), so you get лежат (not лежят). Good spelling is for suckers. 

5. Listen a few times to the dialogue. read the dialogue and translate it. иконы - icons, верующие - believers

6. The last page of the handout is Dr Denner's шпаргалка for the genitive case... Now you know all that about the genitive, well, wow. Time for a PhD in linguistics! 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете. Урок 6. Второй курс. Неделя 3.



1. Сначала квиз по грамматике =take the grammar quiz.

2. Потом возьмите хэндаут или скачайте хэндаут здесь

Слушайте to the recordings of the poems in your handout Давайте послушаем! и читайте текст ниже:

Ответьте на вопросы из хэндаута=answer the questions in your handouts.

Russians attach great importance to the style of reading. Pushkin and Lermontov are read in a standard dramatic style and standard poetic rhythms iamb and trochee. That's why classic poetry can be sung well; both the Pushkin and the Lermontov poems in your handout have been set to music. Check them out!
"Я вас любил" в исполнении Дмитрия Хворостовского

"Выхожу один я на дорогу" в исполнении Анны Герман

Ну, к столу! Поработаем над грамматикой!

Сделайте упражнение из хэндаута (oral drill 7)

И если еще не устали, посмотрите, как шестилетний Саша читает "Гамлета" и поет песни по-английски, по-латински, по-немецки...вундеркинд!

Monday, March 11, 2024


A few words and exercises on ASPECT.

Aspect is probably the most complex concept you'll encounter when learning Russian: Unlike so many phenomena in language learning (like, say, verbal conjugation), there's often no right/wrong answer. That might SEEM to make it easier -- "Hey, I can't get it wrong! -- but aspectual choice is tough because it requires the speaker to be "context aware." This awareness is precisely what makes 99% of exercises on aspect choice total garbage. 

I speak the language pretty good, and I still get confused about aspect in certain circumstances... It's the one thing that Russians still correct me on, so it must "sound really wrong" when I pick the wrong aspect. 

But, FOR OUR PURPOSES in Elementary Russian (heck, in ADVANCED Russian!)... aspect is pretty simple: 
  • In the present tense, use only IMPERFECTIVE. 
  • In the FUTURE tense, use only PERFECTIVE. (Really, how often do you talk about how you spend time in the future? Usually you are listing things you will get DONE, thus emphasizing result, this using the perfective.)
  • In the past tense, if you want to emphasize the result of an action, use PERFECTIVE. 
  • In the past tense, if you want to emphasize how you spend time (especially repetition), use IMPERFECTIVE. 
📣 I say present, you say IMPERFECTIVE. I say perfective, you say RESULT. I say imperfective, you say PROCESS. 

If you follow these rules, you'll get it right 90% of the time. 

So, three things you have to understand about aspect.

  1. Virtually all verbs in Russian exist in pairs, one imperfective and one perfective. You've ONLY learned imperfective verbs... Now, you're going to start learning perfective forms, too. 
  2. The only way to express the PRESENT tense is imperfective verbs: Я читаю книгу. I am reading a book. 
  3. Perfective verbs conjugate just like imperfective verbs, they do not have a separate conjugational pattern. You are learning nothing here! When you conjugate a perfective verb, you AUTOMATICALLY leap into the future. When you put an "el and gender marker" on a perfective verb, no surprise, you're in the past.

And so... 
  • Я читал книгу. I was reading a book. (Imperfective, past, you care about the process. Perhaps you finished, perhaps you didn't.)  
  • Я прочитал книгу. I read a book. (Perfective, past, note the prefix! You care about the result. Maybe you finished it, maybe you just read some of it and then did something else.) 
  • Я читаю книгу. (Present, therefore imperfective. Present is always focussed on "how I spend my time.") 
  • Я прочитаю книгу. (Perfective, future, note the prefix. Conjugate the darn verb! It's a claim about what you will do, result oriented.) 
  •  Я буду читать книгу. (Imperfective, future, note the auxiliary verb. This is theoretically possible, how you will spend time in the future... but, practically, it's very rare. How often do you say, "I will be reading a book"? You almost never talk about how you'll spend your time in the future; instead, you make claims about how you will finish something! "I'm going to read a book!") 
Look through this Power Putin Presentation. It contains wisdom and information.

Here's a "basic list" of the verbs you know and their PERFECTIVE counterpart, with a few clues to remind you how they conjugate.
  • смотрéть (смо́трят)/посмотрéть to watch
  • писа́ть (пи́шут)/написáть to write 
  • чита́ть (-ают)/прочита́ть to read
  • ви́деть (ви́дят)/уви́деть to see
  • по́мнить (по́мнят)/запо́мнить to recall, remember
  • пить (пьют)/вы́пить (пью, пьёшь, пьёт) to drink
  • есть/съесть to eat, eat up (ем, ешь ест, еди́м, еди́те, едя́т)
  • гото́вить (гото́вят)/пригото́вить (пригото́влю) to prepare
  • расска́зывать/рассказать (расска́жут) to tell
  • зака́зывать/заказа́ть (зака́жут) to order
  • покупа́ть (покупáю)/купи́ть (куплю́) (to buy)
  • говори́ть (говоря́т)/сказа́ть (ска́жут) to speak, say
Do this exercise! 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Second-year Russian: Additional Work for March 12 REMOTE

Привет, ребята!
Красивые куличи и крашеные яйца, правда?

Here is our extra work for this week (do it optionally for extra credit)

1. Let's start with the review of numbers. Carefully examine this chart:

2. Download our handout for today. Listen to the information comparing average U.S. and Russian salaries HERE and type what you hear in the handout. 

3. Read the dialogue in our handout and translate it. Make sure you know how to ask in Russian to bring you the check and pay the check.

Сделали? Молодцы! ... Now, memorize the conjugations of these two crucial verbs⇩

4. Finally! Go to Flipgrid and do this task. You will need to know how to say "I drink", see the conjugation pattern above.