Мы приглашаем вас на лекцию!!!
SRAS Excursion: The Moscow Mosque
- Watch the tour (30 min).
- In your lab handout, jot down the summary of Adina's explanation of the significance of the pillars in a mosque. Additionally, write three things that you learned from the video (add time codes). Add this work to your Portfolio 9 (10% of your portfolio grade).
Now, let's do some more lab work:
- First things first, HERE is the Quizlet list for the vocab quiz next week. Spend 10 minutes working on it today and every day.
- Скачайте хэндаут ЗДЕСЬ. Откройте файл и распечатайте.
«Когда твоя девушка ___________» (=when your girlfriend is sick)
2. Слушайте песню «Я иду по улице» только здесь → https://3ears.com/media/1854
Read the English translation while watching the music video, listen to this song at least twice, following the English translation then the Russian text
Read the English translation while watching the music video, listen to this song at least twice, following the English translation then the Russian text
3. In your handout, write in
Russian which song (“Я иду по улице» OR “Когда твоя девушка больна») you
like more and explain why (in simple but FULL sentences) 3-4 sentences
4. Читайте
диалоги В ПАРАХ!!!! Ответьте на вопросы ПИСЬМЕННО!!
Диалоги 1 и 2 Тextbook page 354-355.
Прочитайте и ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ!!!!! Answer the questions in your handout in RUSSIAN
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