Привет! Салют! Welcome back to the Language Lab.
Не парься! Будь спок, не волнуйся! Chill!

(The word спокойно means calm.. Будь спок! Be calm... you know, like Спок!)
Anyway, read along while listening to dialogues three and five. The word Назад means "ago"... The first question in dialogue three is kinda stupid... Whose on the picture? I'm on the picture.
Answer the questions on your lab worksheet and have me or the tutor check them.
The question На когО вы похОжи (ты похОж/ты похОжа)? means Who do you look like? Literally, "Whom do you go after?" (Похож comes from the verb ходить, to go.)
It uses the accusative case Она похожа на меня, на маму, на Ивана...
Не парься! Будь спок, не волнуйся! Chill!

(The word спокойно means calm.. Будь спок! Be calm... you know, like Спок!)
Anyway, read along while listening to dialogues three and five. The word Назад means "ago"... The first question in dialogue three is kinda stupid... Whose on the picture? I'm on the picture.
Answer the questions on your lab worksheet and have me or the tutor check them.
The question На когО вы похОжи (ты похОж/ты похОжа)? means Who do you look like? Literally, "Whom do you go after?" (Похож comes from the verb ходить, to go.)
It uses the accusative case Она похожа на меня, на маму, на Ивана...
For your "little composition" (an assignment for your final portfolio) you'll answer in complete sentences the following questions... Remember, truth telling isn't that important... If you write the answers out now, the tutors can check them.
Come to the tables for some further work!
Присоединяйтесь к нам за стол!