Monday, April 17, 2023

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете. Elementary Russian Unit 10 Week 1 Урок 10 Неделя 1

Доброе утро! Апрель. Среда. Значит, мы в лингафонном кабинете.

Download the worksheet for today's lab HERE or grab it at the Language Commons.

На сегодня... Your agenda for today:
1. Do the listening exercises as described below (20 minutes)
2. Do the written work (on the worksheet) (30 minutes)
3. Тебе надо расслабиться! Chill out! (rest of the day)

Давайте послушаем! Listening exercises.
Прослушайте этот разговор  и ответьте на вопросы на лаб-хэндауте. Listen & answer these questions on the back of your lab handout... The cardinal points of the compass will be really useful... север (north) юг (south) восток (east) запад (west). 

А теперь... Прослушайте второй разговор и ответьте на вопросы на лаб-хэндауте. Listen to the second conversation & answer these questions on the back of your lab handout...

Наконец... Watch this classic episode of the classic of Чебурашка, the much beloved Soviet cartoon... Чебурашка! I found one with English subtitles...

TABLE WORK: ОК! Теперь, присаживайтесь с нами за столы! Come sit with us at the tables and do a little more work... Читаем диалоги, отвечаем на вопросы. Всё просто! 

Расслабьтесь! Chill! 

Sunday, April 16, 2023


 Доброе утро! Апрель. Среда. Это значит, что у нас лабораторная работа.

Наша тема - праздники!

 Скачайте наш хэндаут ЗДЕСЬ или возьмите в лабораторном кабинете.

1. Послушайте РАЗГОВОР 1 и ответьте на вопросы письменно.

Now, watch this short useful video on how to wish someone a Happy Holiday
Всё понятно, правда? А теперь сделайте упражнение 3 письменно.

Finally, examine how to express time in Russian (see the second page of the worksheet) and jot down the time next to each statement.

Хорошо поработали! Молодцы!

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете... Unit 9, Week 3, Урок 9 Неделя 3. Вид глагола.


Доброе утро! Сегодня cреда. 

Значит, мы в лингафонном кабинете!

LET ME KNOW if you have had trouble enrolling in Second-Year Russian next semester. There's something wrong with the registration process (sigh). Let me know, also, if you have any questions, concerns, conflicts, конфликты, проблемы, заботы...

1. Here is the handout for today. 

2. Review for the grammar quiz here

3. Аудирование... 09-02 in your handout. Listen to the amounts in rubles HERE is the audio and fill in the blanks in the text.

If you need help, ask me or one of the tutors! 
NOW! Table work! Take a few minutes and re-review the Power Point on verbal aspect. Download it here and watch it before you come to the tables. Будем работать над аспектом глагола... underline all the verbs that are given in their PERFECTIVE form (vs. imperfective) in both dialogues in your worksheets (dialogue 2 and dialogue 3). 

Remember: Imperfective aspect expresses all three tenses. The imperfective past is formed with the Л-rule. The present tense is formed by "just conjugate the darn thing" rule. And the imperfective future is formed by combining a form of быть (буду, будешь...) and the infinitive of the verb (будете заказывать):

Он смотрел. Он смотрит. Он будет смотреть.

Perfective can only express the past and the future. Formation is simple: To form the perfective past, use the Л-rule. And to form the perfective future, "just conjugate the darn thing." 

Он посмотрел фильм. Он посмотрит фильм. 

Now, answer the following 7 questions and record your answer on flipgrid: go to  and enter join code 9974cb3f log in, and record your answers. I will give you personal feedback on by Friday.


Saturday, April 8, 2023

Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете... Второй год. Second Year Russian, Unit 9 week 3... Language lab...

Приглашаем всех!

Привет, ребята! 

Знакомьтесь! Доктор Айболит - это самый знаменитый доктор, которого придумал писатель Корней Чуковский. Его пациенты всегда жалуются "Ай! Болит!"  Посмотрите 1 минуту этого стихотворения здесь ↓

А теперь... за работу! 

Итак... Прослушайте разговор... Вы найдете вопросы в хэндауте. Ответьте на них, и тогда прослушайте еще раз и впишите пропущенные слова! = Answer the questions on your handout, then listen again and write out 1-9 and the corresponding missing words... (There's a word bank at the bottom!) I didn't transcribe every word said in the conversation, but most of them! Then, a few minutes работа по грамматике за столами!=do ex. 09-09 and 09-10 on your handout: Приносить/привозить:


Monday, April 3, 2023


Доброе утро! Сегодня cреда. Значит мы в лингафонном кабинете!

Cabbage soup and kasha, that's our food!
Щи да каша - пища наша!

The word "kasha" just means porridge... Каша в голове "my head's a muddle!" (literally: There's porridge in my head.) In Russia, каша is classically made from buckwheat groats, whole buckwheat seeds that have been hulled. (In other words, minimally processed.) По-русски это будет гречка! Buckwheat is a nutritional powerhouse and pretty tasty, too! 
Гречка полезна для организма.
Buckwheat's good for you! 
You saw this coming, didn't you?

Spend five minutes on new vocabulary! HERE is the Quizlet course that covers this chapter's vocabulary. 

Now, spend 10 minutes rehearsing the grammar from this chapter. HERE is ANOTHER quizlet course. Spend 10 minutes every day on this list to refine your knowledge.

Then, watch this PowerPoint presentation at least twice. It explains how TENSE and ASPECT work in English and Russian. Yeah, aspect is extremely complicated... rarely. Mostly we humans speak in the present (no aspect!), or make claims about the past (almost always perfective... it's not that you "spent time eating breakfast"... you ATE it, right?)... There are tricky moments, all of them dreamed up by teachers. Mostly it's easy. 

Your хендаут, handout: Here it is! Получите! 

Now, for listening... Давайте послушаем! Let's have a listen. (HEY! It's the perfective case expressing future!) 

Listen to these three short radio adverts; each is about a minute. First, before you even study the handout, listen "extensively" to the adverts, trying to understand broadly what the advertisements are advertising. Listen for words that you know. Then, read carefully the questions on your handout. What do you need to know? Now, listen again, this time "intensively," listening for exact information relevant to the questions on your handout. Jot down the answers that you've understood. Now, listen a third time and answer the remaining questions on your worksheet. The whole thing should take less than 15 minutes.

Реклама 1. Реклама 2. Реклама 3


Sunday, April 2, 2023



Сегодня в лингафонном кабинете!

Сначала повторите слова для квиза!

Потом напишите квиз!

Возьмите хэндаут на сегодня или распечатайте ЗДЕСЬ.

Сначала повторим чтобы + past tense. Review the main rules of using чтобы below in the chart:

Watch this short video to reinforce our work on чтобы

Now, do the short written task on your handout. Use чтобы.

Теперь посмотрим весёлый "Ералаш"

Watch the story and answer the questions in your handout in Russian (or in English).

На сегодня всё! Отлично поработали!