After decades of Soviet communism and repression, wealthy Russian businessmen are taking advantage of their country's growing economy to make fine-art purchases. While Russian collectors are active on almost all art markets, items of their national heritage are the most popular.
``Prices for Russian art will increase,'' said Ivanov. ``In 1993, an Aivazovsky painting that sold for $40,000 today goes for $2 million to $3 million. We'll see Russian paintings sell for more than $10 million by the end of this year.'' He joins other collectors from Russia and the Ukraine who are also amassing big collections. Banking billionaire Petr Aven has one of the finest private collections of Russian modernist paintings and early Soviet-era porcelain; oil and mining billionaire Viktor Vekselberg bought the Forbes Faberge Collection in February 2004, and also owns Aurora Fine Art Investments, an art investment fund. Construction-industry executive Marina Mamontova has more than 250 artworks; food-processing magnate Alexander Tabalov owns more than 200 19th-century and early 20th-century paintings and mining billionaire Victor Pinchuk owns at least seven Damien Hirst works.
Students @ Stetson University exploring Russian culture. Неофициальный сайт студентов Стетсноского университета изучающих русский язык и культуру.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Repatriating Russian Art
Friday, February 15, 2008
Russia Creates a $32 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund - New York Times
Russia Creates a $32 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund - New York Times:
MOSCOW — Russia has split its oil proceeds into two funds and cleared the way for one to invest in foreign stocks and bonds, officials said Thursday. But actual investments are not expected to begin until fall at the earliest.
The move sets up an investment pool with $32 billion, rivaling big American hedge funds and offering another sign of the dizzying wealth these days of oil-producing countries like Russia."
Monday, February 11, 2008
So let's start from the basics. Tetris was created by Alexei Leonidovich Pazhitnov (Алексей Леонидович Пажитнов) in 1985 on a system he was working on called the Elektronika 60. The name Tetris combines the Greek prefix tetra- (because each game piece has four blocks) with the word tennis. Pazhitnov's friend, Vadim Gerasimov, transferred it to an IBM computer system and Tetris became an instant hit in Moscow. Unfortunately, once it got out of The Soviet Union lawsuits ensued as companies bought and sold rights without Pazhitnov's permission. But we don't really care about that, because the important thing is that it made it to the United States in 1986 and now we all get to play it.
The concept and the gameplay is extremely simple except when you start getting to the higher levels. The pieces you play with are called tetrominoes or tetrads.
They fall down from the top of the screen and the player has to move them to create a horizontal line with no spaces on the bottom of the screen. Once you do that, they disappear and you get points. The higher your score, the higher the level, and the faster the pieces fall.
Now, my blog would be incomplete if I did not have a YouTube video posted, so here you go:
Watch out though, because if you play for too long you could get Tetris Syndrome or repetitive stress symptoms where you begin to see tetris pieces even when you're not playing the game. So don't be like this kid:
And of course, Tetris has become popular all over the world and has inspired people to create shows like this:
The actual name of this show in Japan is Brain Wall, but people call it Human Tetris
Takogo Kak Putin ( You Must Be Like Putin) US Title Version
Hey guys I think this is the song about Putin that Dr. Denner was talking about in class. This is the Russian Pop group Singing Together (Rus. Поющие вместе / Poyushchiye vmeste) and album cover features a picture of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Rus. Президент Владимир Владимирович Путин) with each arm around a beautiful woman. This is the Music Video for the track Just Like Putin (Rus. Такого, как Путин / Takogo, kak Putin), the English version You Must Be Like Putin. The song is about a girl who has a rubbish boyfriend and decides that her ideal man must be like President Putin. It is not known what the true motivations behind the song were; whether it was a Kremlin scheme to boast Putin's popularity among the young, or simply a bit of fun.
I want a bear!!!
Bears are so adorable, they're basically just big dogs! So if the Russians can figure out how to tame and train them as pets, why can't we?? I would even venture into the tourist- ridden Time Square to check out cute bears being walked around.
And on the topic of bears, I found мишки гамми!!!(Gummi Bears-a la ruse!) ловкие, смелые, добрые, милые!!!
I think we should seriously watch the Gummi Bears in class. I believe that мишки гамми will impact us way more than Vova and Lena Silin. Аfter all,этих медведей полюбят все дети!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy Ivan!
The Crazy Ivan is a way for submarine to shifts their radar detection to see spots where they previously could not. A submarine basically cannot detect anything that is directly behind it, so that area is a blind spot. By performing a series of sudden movements, the submarine moves that blind spot around and can detect things previously hidden.
The "crazy" part of the name comes from the sudden movements that the sub performs, and Ivan was a common nickname for Russians, much like Charlie was for the Vietcong.
American subs would counter this tactic by going for absolute silence by shutting off their engines. The problem was that their sub would continue moving due to its momentum and could very likely crash into the other sub, which is exactly what happened in the case of the U.S.S. Tautog and the Russian sub "Black Lila."
Moscow Fun Facts

Russians are crazy..
The pictures I found are located here, but the following are a few of my favorites.

Stairs leading to a window? What is this?

I thought Russians would have been good architects?

And of course, the liquor store is the whole family's "любимый магазин!"
Русский Рок
A couple of bands popular during the 80s heyday, which is often referred to as the Russian classic rock period -
(they look like a creep new-wave band!)
(the Russian Barenaked Ladies! At least, they kinda sound like it, and their lead singer looks like a surly Russian version of Steven Page..)
(now here we go. This is a little harder.)
Pretty cool, if a little strange musically. I'll have to look into Russian metal next time.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Traditional Aussie Dish
Instead, I've decided to catch you all up on a little bit of Aussie culture, that luckily I can vaguely relate back to Russian culture.
Behold: The PAVLOVA! (Or "Pav", if you want to be really Aussie, and therefore lazily shorten the word as we do everything else.) A most delicious dessert, the origins of which Aussie's and

The story goes that it was named after the Russian ballet dancer, Anna Pavlova (told you it was relevant), after her visit to the country (either New Zealand, or Aus, depending on what story you'd rather believe) in the 1920's. (Anna Pavlova, by the way, is one of the

Pavlova is basically just a giant meringue -you beat a bunch of egg whites, fold in a whole lot of sugar, maybe add some vanilla and a little vinegar, and sit it in the oven to bake. It makes this gorgeously crispy meringue-like shell on the outside, but leaves it moist and soft and almost spongy on the inside. Sooooo delicious.
So once you have this big sugary cake, you cover it in whipped cream (but NOT the crappy, squirt it out rubbishy stuff that you guys buy in a can), you buy REAL cream and whip it yourself, and then you smother the whole thing in fresh fruit.
You can use any fruit you like, but I personally believe that no pavlova is complete without

I eat pav every Christmas, and Mum always makes it if we have international visitors. I don't know whether Anna Pavlova herself enjoyed the dish, but it was created in honor of her, so I hope so. Really, it does reflect her passion, ballet -it's light, delicate, difficult and takes a lot of skill and practice (getting pavlova just right, stopping it from collapsing and not coming out as sticky goo is EXTREMELY difficult and takes a lot of skill...) and in some cases, is rather fruity.
I plan to make it next time the RSC does something food-based. :-)
Monsters Don't Eat Russians, Russians Eat Monsters
So here is a clip of a “monster” a couple Russian men caught off the coast of the Sea of Azov, a northern section of the Black Sea, after a large storm. I found a bunch of stories on this frightening thing. Apparently, it was “moaning like a human” after they pulled it out. The “alien” was captured on video by one of the Russian’s camera phone. To prove they were not afraid of the monster, the Russian men decided to eat it and one proclaimed this meal to be the best he had ever had.
Spoiler Alert! If you have not watched the creepy video yet, do so before reading on…
What the Russians were actually so bravely eating was in fact a harmless giant Guitarfish or Rhynchobatus djiddensis. This member of the Ray and Skate family most likely was carried to its new home by a strong storm from somewhere temperate like the western Indian Ocean or perhaps from the tropical waters of Australia. In fact, the Russian was not being proud when he claimed the Guitarfish was the best thing he had ever eaten. These creatures are strongly desired in many Asian markets because of their great taste and for this reason hold a place on the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) red list. So hopefully the Russian town that was stirred by this “monster” has now learned the truth, frankly, I hope the men are a little embarrassed. There is just something so wrong about owning a camera phone and believing in sea monsters.
Minute of Glory
AND, here's something actually useful; a handy guide to noun declension:
Friday, February 8, 2008
Russian Folk Medicine

Think you have a cold? Stay as warm and dry as possible. Try only drinking hot drinks like teas and be sure to avoid cold beverages! Although this is concept is not unique to Russia, Russians tend to be more adamant about it than most Westerners. It's also widely believed that sitting on cold surfaces is extremely hazardous to a woman's health and inhibits her ability to bear children (by somehow exposing her ovaries to the cold).
Although Westerners might be wary of these folk treatments, the last may not be completely unfounded. Some existing research shows that mild hypothermia inhibits the immune response. Keeping warm actually helps your body's defense against infection, which is why you'll sometimes get a fever when you're sick. A slight increase in body temperature makes it harder for bacteria and viruses to survive.
So, you may not be inspired to run out and get горчичники or банки, but it might actually be wise to stay warm in your time of illness. I'm clearly not a medical professional, but drinking hot tea, eating soup, and snuggling up with a blanket seems a lot less hazardous than the other alternatives. You can try those at your own risk.....
If none of these treatments float your boat, check out this website:
Hope you find a cure to whatever ails you!