Saturday, November 20, 2010

i'll give anyone who correctly guesses which t-shirt i just bought TEN KOPECKS!

Russian criminal tattoos as fashion designs

Roman Belenky is the proprietor of MIR, a Russian criminal tattoo fashion company

Screen Shot 2010-11-19 At 4.50.33 PmRussia is a country where every third man has either done time or been through the camps during the Soviet era. The "Bosses" and "God-Fathers" in the Kremlin knew the value of free labor. So it's not surprising that some of my own family had been through the Soviet prison system. Its also not surprising that when we went to the beach in Russia, prison tattoos were abundant. I remember looking at the tattoos as a young child, images of religious icons, cathedrals, devils, cats, etc. I was fascinated, I must been like 7 or 8. I didn't even know they were called criminal tattoos. That name didn't come to mind until the Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia came out. In Russian they were called simply, nakolki, a slang word for tattoos.


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