Monday, February 3, 2014

Who Knew Russian Tangos Existed?

The first week back to school all the students in my vocal studio were required to go to the faculty piano recital of Kristie Born and another piano professor. These two professors are amazing performers and did an excellent job that evening. As I was on the edge of my seat listening to what they had to say about their pieces there was one piece Dr. Born spoke of where she said "and this next one I'm going to say in the English translation because I know I would butcher the Russian," this peaked my interest even more. The piece she was speaking of is called "Book of Marches and Dances in Memory of Valeriy Gavrillin"/"Тетрадь Маршей и Танцев Памяти Валерия Гавриаина" by Igor Yefimovich Rogalyov/Игорь Рогалев. The story she told to about the piece is that Valery Gavrillin/Валерий Гаврилин was thought to be one of the greatest Russian composers during the time of the USSR and he was awarded numerous prizes and was an honored artist of Russia. Later, during Igor Rogalyov's time tango was becoming very popular and many composers were trying it out, even Russian composers. Rogalyov wanted to honor Gavrillin and try out this tango thing so he wrote a piece for two pianos. Rogalyov composed one of the first Russian tangos. Below I left a link for anyone's listening pleasure:
(20 minutes in and you will find the Tango,
it's brilliant!)

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