Sunday, September 10, 2023


DON'T FORGET: STUDY ABROAD APPLICATION FOR SPRING AND SUMMER SESSIONS IS DUE OCT 15. APPLY WITH W.O.R.L.D Here is some very important information about SPREES-related scholarships. 

First, take the vocab quiz! Grab the quiz handout at the lab.

Now, let's discover the world of Винни-Пух по-русски...
PRINT THE HANDOUT or grab it at the lab! 

Давайте посмотрим мультфильм про Винни-Пуха.

1.  Watch the episode about the weather and the bees
2. Listen to all the three songs from this episode here (00:00-1:40) and get ready to sing your favorite one out of those three songs in class :)
3. Answer the questions in Russian (see the handout)

Давайте поработаем c тьюторами:

4. Read the text about Винни-Пух (вторая страница в хэндауте) and answer the questions in Russian.

Давайте вспомним ПАДЕЖИ:

5. Fill in the blanks (that is a part of your portfolio, which is due next Thursday)

And, finally, a LINK to the signup sheet for the ORAL PERFORMANCE next Thursday. Please sign up in pairs or with Sofia (Stetson)!  МОЛОДЦЫ! СПАСИБО!

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