Saturday, September 23, 2023

Second Year Russian... Today in the lab (Unit 2 Week 1)... "Aлло, Москва? Вас вызывает Высоцкий"

Second-Year Russian... Unit 2 Week 1

First things first... create a basic profile on Study the vocab set for our quiz next Wednesday. 

Now, back to our lab business...
Музыкальный вторник

"Ничего не вижу! Ничего не слышу!"
Вероника Круглова. Слушайте эту песню ещё раз:

Practice singing the first two stanzas and the chorus. 

Vysotksky... Что вам сказать? Уникальный человек. Артист, певец, поэт первого сорта. Actor, singer, poet. He exercised enormous influence over Soviet culture in the 1960s and 1970s. One might fairly say that his singing style is inimitable. He played the "Russian" seven-string guitar (семиструнная гитара), tuned down a whole octave so the strings are all loose, and they buzz a lot. You'll hear that in this song. 

His stuff is really political, but it doesn't seem that way until you understand it in the context of the culture.

Ноль-семь (it's also called by its first line: Эта ночь для меня вне закона... This night is against the law...) is what you used to dial to get the inter-city operator... When you used to have to go through an operator to call out from your city...

Телефон для меня, как икона,
Телефонная книга - триптих,
Стала телефонистка Мадонной,
Расстоянья на миг сократив. 
The telephone for me is like an icon! The telephone book for me is like a triptych! The operator has become Madonna, Having made distance disappear in a wink.

It's late, he's writing poetry, then he gets lonely and romantic and starts to dial his girlfriend through the operator (ноль семь). Everything is SO URGENT! Я НЕ МОГУ ДОЖДАТЬСЯ!! I can't wait! Then the other party picks up, and it's all, "oh, hey, yeah... it's me..." Вот уже ответили... Ну, здравствуй, - это я! He really hopes his girlfriend is at home so a lot depends on the телефонистка, the operator... who's probably pretty, young, and lonely too. 

I love poetry! 

You will recite two stanzas from Veronika Kruglova's song or one stanza from Vladimir Vysotsky's song during your Oral Performance for Unit 2! Here's the material at Memrise on Vysotsky's song. Just the first stanza:

Для меня эта ночь вне закона.
Я пишу - по ночам больше тем.
Я хватаюсь за диск телефона
И набираю вечное 07.

Девушка, здравствуйте!
Как вас звать? Тома.
Семьдесят вторая! Жду, дыханье затая!
Быть не может, повторите, я уверен - дома!
А, вот уже ответили... Ну, здравствуй, - это я!

NOW, OUR FIRST LAB WORKSHEET (there will be two lab worksheets)... Print out этот хендаут

Listen to Фонетика... The dude explains it OK. Intonation Construction 2 is used in greetings, for emphasis in simple declarative sentences, and in requests. On the obverse side of the worksheet, try to identify the places you'd expect to hear this intonation. Mark them, then listen to the recordings. 

First, let's study the uses of (по)звонить... to place a call. Remember it's a simple 2nd conjugation verb: Звоню́, звони́шь, звоня́т. If you're calling someone, that person is in the DATIVE (the people's case!). If you're calling somewhere, you must use the formula 

                          в/на + Accusative

Я звони́л в Москву́. («-- Moscow is in accusative!)

Do ex. 2-15 and 2-16 in writing (typed or handwritten)

Now, listen to разговор I and ответьте на вопросы там на хендауте (=Answer the questions on the handout). Do you hear the repeated use of IC-2? You'll hear the following... Что случилось? What happened? I'll call her... Занято. It's busy. Вы не туда попали... You've reached the wrong number! Когда она ушла? When did she leave? 

I bet you don't even remember when there were rotary telephones! 

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